Friday, September 17, 2010

I have failed to write for a while. Maybe not 'failed' but neglected. Perhaps my mind has been still enough that I've not needed to, or perhaps my mind has been so frantic that I couldn't sit still for long enough to write something. My mind constantly flucuates between these states. Today my mind is frantic but my body is still. Some days I wish my mind was still and my body frantic. I suspect that would be more productive. I would be at my most productive if both my mind and body were frantic but it's hard to get to that level without the fear of crashing. I don't mind the crashing, if only it were easy to get back up again. Tomorrow I'm willing my mind to be somewhat frantic. I need my mind and my body to sustain me at an above normal level of frenzied activity. It needs to last for 28 days. Twenty eight days is the bare minimum required to for some kind of new habit.

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