Monday, November 09, 2009

Medications don't really solve anything. They just suppress it, which one day everything will just have to explode. When and where that will happen, I just don't know. Someone will probably bear the brunt of it all, but it might be simpler to do it all by myself. I wish there was a medication that could sustain a constant high. The world would be an amazing place if we could be high all the time. We'd probably deal with the mundane things a whole lot better than we do, and we'd enjoy doing it. I stuffed my mind full of trivial stuff today. I tried to get by pretending every thing is ok, but pick at the seams a little and there is stuffing falling out all over the place. Stuffing that I have to some how shove back in so I can get through another day. it's kind of fun though to leave little bits of your stuffing at different places, with different people, hoping that, perhaps, you've left people with something that they didn't have before, something that they might think about.

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